Using Calendar

Calendar URL Parameters

Some URL parameters can be added to the browser's address bar to change the behavior of Calendar. The following parameters are all checked, and have special meaning to the application.

  • id - (required) specify the calendar id that should be loaded
  • view - (optional) specify the calendar view to use on page load (Day, Week, Month, List).
  • date - (optional) specify the date to use when the page loads (must be formatted YYYYMMDD - such as 20120701 for July 1, 2012)

Event URL Parameters

Some URL parameters can be added to the browser's address bar to determine how event details are retrieved. The following parameters are all checked, and have special meaning to the application.

  • eventId - (required) the unique identifier value of the event
  • calendarId - (required) indicates the calendar id that the event belongs to
  • eventTypeId - (required) indicates the name of the event type the event belongs to
  • detailsPage - (optional) specifies the JSP to use to return the results. Default is /themes/jsp/event.jsp.
  • format - (optional) if set to "json", will return the event details as JSON instead of HTML using the JSP in detailsPage.

Troubleshooting URL Parameters

Some other optional URL parameters can be added to the browser's address bar for troubleshooting purposes. The following parameters are all checked, and have special meaning to the application.

  • debugjs - when this optional parameter value is 'true', the full javascript files are loaded instead of the compressed versions to allow for javascript debugging.
  • debug - when this optional parameter value is 'true', server stack traces will be displayed in error pages.