Netsuite Adapter


The following java libraries (all included in must be put in the Kinetic Calendar web application classpath:

  • commons-logging-1.2.jar
  • httpclient-4.5.1.jar
  • httpcore-4.4.3.jar
  • kinetic-calendar-netsuite-adapter.jar

Adapter Configuration

  • Adapter Class - This value must be added to the adapters.json configuration file:

Connection Configuration

Consumer Id, Consumer Secret, & Application Id

To be able to authenticate and use the NetSuite SOAP API an Integration needs to be created. Upon creation, each Integration is also assigned a Consumer Id/Secret and an Application Id (which are used as authentication values for the NetSuite Calendar Adapter).

Creating an Integration

  1. Navigate to the Manage Integrations page (Setup -> Integration -> Manage Integrations)
  2. Create a New Integration
  3. Select Token-Based Authentication under the Authentication section
  4. After creating, copy and save the Consumer Id, Consumer Secret, and Application Id because they won't be able to be accessed again after you leave this page.

Token Id and Token Secret

In order to allow concurrent requests, Token-Based Authentication needs to be used to make the NetSuite SOAP API calls. To use successfully do this an Access Token/Secret need to be created and passed as authentication values for the Adapter.

Creating an Access Token

  1. Navigate to the Access Tokens page (Setup -> User/Roles -> Access Tokens)
  2. Create a 'New Access Token'
  • Select the name of the Integration/Application created in the previous step
  • Select the User and Role of a user that has permission to retrieve the data the Adapter will be tasked with retrieving
  1. After creating, copy and save the Token ID and Token Secret because they won't be able to be accessed again after you leave this page

Setting up the NetSuite Calendar Adapter Details

Use the values retrieved in the previous two steps as the configuration details when setting up the NetSuite Calendar Adapter.

Event Type Source Configuration

Connection Name
The name of the connection that was previously configured with the desired NetSuite login information

Note: Required configuration values are bolded


  • Any object with both a Search and SearchAdvanced method in the NetSuite Schema Browser can be used as a "Standard" object
  • ie. Account has both a Search and SearchAdvanced method as seen under the Search section here.
  • When in the NetSuite Consoles (as opposed to the Schema Browser), generally an easy way to determine the desired object's name is to go to a search list and look for the searchType in the URL.
  • ie. A search of employees shows a URL of and we can confirm using the Schema Browser that Employee does indeed have both EmployeeSearch and EmployeeSearchAdvanced methods
  • Anything objects with a Search and SearchAdvanced method also seem to require a corresponding SearchBasic object, so looking under the Search section here should be another good way to determine what Standard Objects are available to use.

Custom Objects

  • Custom Objects are determined based on the Custom Record Id
  • The Configuration Object for a custom record is going to be in the form of custom_{customId}
  • ie. If a Custom Record Id is 129, the Configuration Object will be custom_129

How to determine the Custom Record Id?

  • An easy way to determine the Custom Record Id is to view a single record and to look in the URL for the recType={customId}

Saved Search Id

  • Queries/Filters in this adapter are handled by setting up a Saved Search in NetSuite and then referencng that Id in the adapter configuration
  • A Saved Search is not required, although if a Saved Search Id is not supplied all records for a type are returned and displayed in the calendar
  • When viewing a Saved Search, the Saved Search Id that should be used in the calendar can be found in the URL as searchid={id}

Use Search Columns

true or false (string) - Determines whether the Adapter retrieves the fields directly from the records or from a search result set

  • If set to true, the fields returned from the Adapter call will be the ones defined in the Saved Search result set
  • If set to false, the fields returned from the Adapter call will be all the fields attached to the mapped Object

Field Mappings

Required Fields (Core Mappings)

  • Id: A unique id for the object being returned
  • Name: Field that should be displayed as the main name identifier for a calendar event
  • Description: A short description of the event
  • Start: A date/time field denoting the start of the event (expected in iso8601 format)
  • End: A date/time field denoting the end of the event (expected in iso8601 format)
  • IsAllDay: An optional Core Mapping field - a boolean denoting whether an event is specified as an All Day Event

Determining the NetSuite Field Mapping Values

Standard Fields

  • Standard Fields on Standard Objects can be found by looking at the {Object}SearchBasic model in the Schema Browser ({Object} is the field that was previously mapped
  • ie. OpportunitySearchBasic or CustomRecordSearchBasic
  • All of these models should be found in the following namespace ( under the Search Section

Custom Fields

  • Custom Fields for any object are determined based on the scriptId
  • The scriptId for a custom field can be found in the Customization Management portion of NetSuite

Join Fields

  • If 'Use Search Columns' is set to true, there is a chance that the fields that will be returned will also contain join fields (fields attached to an object that is included in the returned object, ie. An opportunity references a location and you want to map the name field from that location object)
  • To do this, reference both the parent object and the subfield with a . in-between them
  • With the location name example (location field is 'location' and a name field of 'name'), the mapping would be If you wanted to map to the address, you would do location.address