
When you first open the survey module, you will be presented with a table displaying a list of any existing surveys and a button to create a new survey.


The table of surveys will contain the

  • survey name: name displayed to the people taking the survey
  • survey slug: unique identifier that is used in the survey URL
    created and updated dates
  • the status of the survey: active/inactive
  • a down icon that shows a menu with the following options:
    • View: This shows surveys that have been sent to users, both filled in and not yet responded to.
    • Settings: This takes you directly to the settings page(s) for the survey
    • Clone: This will clone the existing survey with the existing settings with a new name.
    • Delete: This is where you would delete a survey. Note: this will delete all the existing results/responses.

Note: You can filter the surveys displayed by name and status by clicking the filter button at the top right of the listing of surveys.

New Surveys

New surveys can be created two ways:

  • Cloning an existing survey
  • Using the New Survey button on the Survey homepage


Cloning a survey presents you with a clone screen that will allow you to set the name, slug, and description of the new survey.

This process creates a survey that has all the settings of the original survey except these three items filled in during the cloning process.

New Survey

When you select new survey from the upper right of the survey module homepage, you are presented with a screen asking for the survey name, survey slug, and description of the survey.

This screen also asks you to select a template to use for your survey. There are two templates and the difference between the two is the default formatting. The two options are:

  • Survey Template Table
  • Survey Template Scale

Survey Template Table defaults the presentation of questions of the type where you are, for example, rating a service to the below:


The Survey Template scale defaults the same questions like below:


Once you have completed the survey create form, you will be forwarded to the settings screen for your new survey.


Settings is broken up into multiple categories:

  • General: Basic information like name, slug, and status information
  • Workflow Process: Information on workflow process to be run when a survey response is submitted
  • Notifications: The notification templates and rules
  • Triggers: What cases the survey to be sent
  • Delivery Rules: Control of additional rules on survey delivery
  • Security: Who owns the survey

To update the survey form fields, click the Form Builder button, which will open the form builder in a new window. You will need to reload the settings page after making changes in the form builder.

Note: Updating a field will temporarily disable navigating between tabs. Reset or save your changes to continue.

General Settings

Survey Name will be visible to the owning team and individual (see Permissions tab), but not the individuals who take the survey.

Survey Slug will be visible in the URL to the individuals who take the survey. While this defaults to a url friendly copy of the Survey Name, they do not have to match.

Description is for the owning team and individual. The individuals taking the survey do not see this value.

Status controls whether or not the survey will be sent. Inactive surveys will not be sent. Surveys default to inactive. Once stop and start times are set, the survey will automatically be made active for the appropriate dates.

Survey Label will be used to help differentiate the survey submissions (the instances of the survey) from each other. Use text and submission values (click on the </> to add fields) to create a useful label. For example, if you could use:

values('Recipient Id')'s survey for ticket values('Reference Id')

And the resulting list of surveys might look like this:

btigges’s survey for ticket 23456
jsundberg’s survey for ticket 34956

Workflow Process

There is not, by default, any workflow that runs when a user submits their survey. The data is simply recorded as their submission. If you would like a process to run after the person submits their survey, please set Run Workflow Process on Submit to Yes. You will then be able to access the workflow builder for this survey.

For more information on building a workflow, please use our Community Getting Started and Workflow sections.


Surveys use the Notification Module already provided. This is available at:
On your kinops space. For more information on how to create and modify notifications, please see Community.

Invitation Notification Template is the notification that is sent to the survey recipient when their survey is created. This text is rather general by default. If desired please clone this notification template and create your custom notification by clicking here. If your survey allows users to Opt Out, please update this notification to be Survey Invitation with Opt Out. To start your custom notification using the Opt Out template, click here.

Reminder Notifications Template is the notification that is sent to the survey recipient if reminders are configured. If the user hasn’t responded to the survey, the user will get up to Reminder Notifications Max reminders Reminder Notifications Interval days apart. There are no reminders configured by default. Note that this uses the generic invitation text by default. If desired please clone this notification template and create your custom notification by clicking here. If your survey allows users to Opt Out, please update this notification to be Survey Invitation with Opt Out. To start your custom notification using the Opt Out template, click here.


Triggers settings are to control what causes a survey to be sent. There are two main ways to handle this:
The Kinetic platform is sent a webhook/api call that passes in the necessary information to send a survey
The Kinetic platform reaches out via polling to see if a system has any new items/tickets to send a survey for

Non-polling surveys should use a webhook or some other method to make a call to the survey system. The required information to be passed is:

  • recipientEmail: the id in the platform for the person to receive the survey
  • surveySlug: the slug, or unique identifier, for the survey to be created/sent
  • referenceId: the ticket id or other reference number for the ticket the survey is being created for.
  • data: any other information about the ticket/item triggering the survey

If the polling setting is set to “No”, several examples of what this call would look like in different languages are displayed as samples.


Polling should only be used if the system triggering the survey cannot make outbound calls. Remedy 9.2 and earlier are an example of a system that must use polling. When specifying the system should poll you need to specify:

  • Source: You will need to select from a list of existing pollers that are available. If you desired poller isn’t available, please contact support.
  • Type: This is the data structure (form, table, etc) that you will be polling in that system you are reaching out to poll
  • Reference Id Field: This is the field on the Type (form, table, etc) that will be used as the reference id for this source
  • Email Address Field: This is the field on the Type (form, table, etc) that will be used as the email address/recipient for this source
  • Trigger: This is the query you will want to use to query the polled system to see if that instance of that data structure (ex. ticket in that form) should generate a query. This should be very specific. The trigger in this screenshot is an example used for testing only. NOTE: the query will have the dates since the last polling interval added to the specified query.
  • Interval: This is how often you wish to poll. This can be anywhere from 1 minutes up. Common intervals are 1 minute, 1 hour (60 minutes), and 1 day (1440 minutes).

Delivery Rules

Expiration in Days is the number of days the user has to take a copy of the survey sent to them. This is not an expiration for the survey itself.

Allow Opt Out allows the user to specify (using the form linked in the notifications sent to them) to indicate that they do not want to receive future notifications/copies of this particular survey.

Max Frequency Count and Max Frequency Days allows you to control the maximum number of surveys that will be sent to a given individual in those number of days. For example, if this is an incident survey, you may not want to send more than one satisfaction survey a week (Max count: 1, Days: 7). The default is essentially having no limit.


Owning Team is the team who is allowed to see survey submissions and modify the survey.

Owning Individual is a person with the same rights. This defaults to the individual who created the survey.

Survey View

When you select to view a survey, you are taken to a submission list view. This provides basic information such as description, status, created and updated date, along with the list of submissions (created surveys) that exist. These are instances of the survey that have been pre-created for the targeted user. This list is where you see the label you created for the survey. If for some reason the system cannot display the label, it will display the id of the submission as in the first record shown in the image above. Note that each submission has it’s own status. Draft submissions have been created and notification sent to the user per the configuration, and submitted submissions have responses recorded.

This survey submission list can be filtered (see options in image below) and it can be exported.

When you select (via the button in the upper right of the Survey Submission screen) to export the Survey Submissions, a pop-up will appear. You have to click Export All Records in this pop-up before the export begins. NOTE: even if you have filtered the submission list, the export will currently export all submissions (not only the filtered submissions).

Once you click Export All Records, leave that screen open until you see the confirmation screen (such as below) that lists the number of exported records and the name of the file.

You can also open up an individual survey submission. This will show you the details of any answers/data on that submission and a list of activity (ex. Invites and reminders) for that particular submission.

Building a Survey

To be able to send a targeted survey, you need:

  • Data from the system creating the survey
  • Questions you wish to ask those surveyed
  • A desired format for your survey

Once you are ready, you can go into the survey settings and click on the Form Builder button in the upper right.

You will now be in the Kinetic Platform form builder. Everything that is possible in the form builder is available to you. For more information on the form builder, please visit Community.

Since you use a template to create your survey, you will have a basic sample survey structure to work with.

In each survey is a survey layout section where you can see examples of how the questions can be set up per your chosen template.

These are just examples of questions. You can change the labels of the questions and the values of the available answers. For the table layout, you will need to change the table headers (in Table Headers html section) to match the values for the answers. If you want a separate section of questions (perhaps with different available answers) you can clone the section that exists already by selecting the existing section and clicking the green clone icon.

What makes a section display in the table format is the render attribute on the section:


Each table section needs a Table Headers element. The name of this element doesn’t matter, but the content should contain a div for each potential answer for the questions. For example,

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

However, for scale format, the questions need the render attribute (see image below) and there is no header.


The last section on the form is a hidden section that should contain a text field for each piece of data desired from the source.

For example, for Remedy you may want to store Incident Number, the user’s first and last name, and the summary of the Incident. You would want to create fields for each of these pieces of data with a field name of item in the data being sent or polled prefixed by d-. So for this example, the fields would look like this:


Note that with our Remedy example, we would have d-Detailed Description instead of d-Summary. This is because the field will come over as ‘Detailed Description’ from Remedy. Summary is just it’s label for the users. Any number of fields can be added here. The data will be placed in the fields on survey creation of the d- name matches the sent/retrieved data. Note that spaces and capitalization matter.

At the top of Page 1, you will see a Ticket Information Section.

This is meant to be used to display the appropriate information/greeting to the person filling out the survey. When you select Ticket Information HTML, you will see a sample of the HTML text.

  <p><strong>Example Source Data: </strong>${values('d-Example Source Data')}</p>

If the value of d-Example Source Data was John Doe, the example would look like this

Example Source Data: John Doe

So, if we wanted to create a greeting for the Remedy example fields above, it might look something like this:

  <p><strong>Incident Number: </strong>${values('d-Incident Number')}</p>
  <p><strong>Name: </strong>${values('d-First Name')} ${values('d-Last Name')}</p>
  <p><strong>Summary: </strong>${values('d-Detailed Description')}</p>

So that would look like:

Incident Number: INC000000001234
Customer Name: John Doe
Summary: My laptop screen is broken

Or you could go for a more conversational greeting:

  <p>${values('d-First Name')} ${values('d-Last Name')},</p>
  <p> We recently resolved incident ${values('d-Incident Number')} with a summary of:</p>
  <p>${values('d-Detailed Description')}</p>
  <p>for you. Please take a moment to fill out this survey.</p>

Which would look like this:

John Doe,
We recently resolved incident INC000000001234 with a summary of:
My laptop screen is broken
for you. Please take a moment to fill out this survey.

What you would like to put is up to you. The format provided is only a suggestion.