How to Add/Edit and Configure a Scheduler

  1. Access the Scheduler Configuration Screen

  2. To Add a Scheduler:

    • Click the ‘Create Scheduler’ button on the right.

    To Edit a Scheduler:

    • Click the Scheduler Name in the table
    • Click the ‘Edit Scheduler’ button on the right
  3. Populate or Edit the appropriate fields.

    • Id: The identifier of the Scheduler. Normally, this matches the name of the Tech Bar, but it is not required. Often entered in lower case, but there are no limitations. This field is not visible to users. This typically is not changed after a Tech Bar is created.
    • Name: The name of the Scheduler & Tech Bar. This is presented to the user and also used by the Tech Bar agents. This value can be changed.
    • Status: ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’. Inactive Schedulers are not presented to the end user but are visible to the Tech Bar agents.
    • Description: A description of the purpose of this Tech Bar. This text is displayed to users. This value can be updated as necessary.
    • Timezone: The local timezone of the Tech Bar. All appointments are scheduled according to the timezone of the Tech Bar regardless of where the user is located.
    • Location: The address / building / location of the Tech Bar. This is presented to users and also included in standard email notifications.
    • Type: For the Tech Bar solution, this should always be ‘TechBar’, which is the default value. The Scheduler component can be used for various purposes, but the backend processes include special actions for Tech Bar configurations.
    • Time Interval: The Time Interval is used as a base for event durations as well as determining the interval that appointments are presented to the user.
    • Reservation Timeout: Once a time slot is reserved, the user has this duration of time to complete the reservation activity before the slot is released. A typical value is 5 minutes.
    • Advanced Options: Click the ‘Advanced Options’ to access some of these less commonly used features.
      • Scheduling Window: The scheduling window is the maximum number of days in advance a user can schedule their request. Enter in a whole number such as 7 to restrict the user from creating appointments more than 7 days in advance.
      • Scheduling Range Start Date: The Scheduling Range Start Date is the first date the Tech Bar will be taking appointments.
      • Scheduling Range End Date: The Scheduling Range End Date is the last date the Tech Bar will be taking appointments.
  4. Click ‘Save’ to create the Scheduler.

  5. Modify the Scheduler’s Operational Data (Managers, Agents, Event Types, Availability, Availability Overrides).