Creating a Datastore

Datastore Forms can be created via the bundle's settings for the space or the platform consoles.

Via the Bundle's Settings

The Datastore Forms will be available via <https://yoursystemurl/>#/settings/datastore


This will allow you to create a new datastore via the New Datastore Form button and will take you to a configuration page directly after creating. The configuration page will allow you to open the builder (to add new fields), set up a default search for the datastore console in the bundle, update which fields display in the table in the datastore console in the bundle, and set up a bridge for the datastore.

Via the Platform Consoles

Inside the desired space, selecting Datastore Forms will take you to the datastore console. This console displays all of the existing forms in that kapp (if any) and allows you three ways to create a new form:

  • Click the Create Form button and manually create a form from scratch
  • Click the Import Form button and import a form exported from another system, space, or kapp.
  • Click the arrow at the end of any form item to pull down it's menu and clone that form.


Each of these methods has pros and cons.

Creating from Scratch

Creating from scratch means you are starting fresh. There is no need to clean up any potentially unused or problematic fields, elements, bridges, or functions. However, many kapps require forms have certain elements on them to function properly. Starting fresh can mean having to recreate fields, elements, or sections already in place on other items.


Importing is essential when moving elements between environments, such as from development to test and from test to production, but it is unlikely to be an effective or effecient way to develop. While it is possible to develop by typing up all of the appropriate json, doing so forgoes the friendly form editor provided.


Cloning allows for development using the form editor, but you inherit all elements from the existing item. You may not need all the elements, fields, bridges, etc on the form that was cloned. This leads to potential clean up.