Functional Arch Diagram



A Space is a tenant area on the Kinetic Platform. It houses all elements of the system (users, teams, kapps, forms, etc...). Security is attached to a Space, when authenticating - you are authenticating to a space.


A kapp is a Kinetic Application. There can be many Kapps in a Space. A Kapp typically has one or more forms, related workflows and custom user interfaces. Example Kapps are Admin, Services, Queue.


Bridges enable the Kinetic system to interact with other systems. Bridges use API calls to interact with other systems to search, retrieve and generally interact in a real-time fashion with other systems. The Kinetic Bridge system "normalizes" the data from other systems into a standardized format so the Kinetic Platform can interact with other systems in a standardized way.

Datastore Forms

Datastore forms hold data that can be easily retrieved in a performant way. An administrator can simply define compound indexes to maximize retrieval performance.


Forms hold transactional data. Typically data like Requests are stored in Forms. Forms commonly have attached workflow to perform simple to complex workflows based on data submitted.


Robots are defined workflows that execute based on a time schedule. Examples: once a month, 4 times a day, etc...


Teams are collections of users into functional groups.


Discussions are "chats". Discussions can be attached to nearly everything in the Kinetic Platform (Requests, Teams, Kapps, Datastores, etc...) Discussions typically involve Space users however, non-users can be invited to participate in a discussion via an invitation process.


Workflow is a set of predefined processes that are triggered by an event in the Kinetic Platform. A typical workflow would be "send an email" when a new form has been submitted. Workflows can get to be very complex and involve many steps, tasks, and people in order to complete. An example of complex workflow would be "Employee Onboarding" where 100 or more tasks need to be finished before the workflow is complete.


Attributes are values attached to objects. Most objects in the Kinetic Platform have attributes. Space, Kapp, Form attributes are typically created to drive visual or workflow behavior. Attributes are easy to change and therefore simplify the overall management of the system. An example attribute could be an "approver" ... The workflow could use the attribute to send an approval to a specific person. Typically an administrator or manager can change attribute values.