What is Tech Bar?

The Kinetic Data Tech Bar Solution is a tool that complements walk-in/in person service centers by enabling users to self-schedule appointments, enabling companies to support multiple Tech Bars in a single installation, and enabling support staff with a queue of pending appointments.

Why do I need Tech Bar?

Each Tech Bar can be configured uniquely to support various purposes, operating hours, and available resources. Tech Bars can be configured for user sign-in upon arrival, walk-in registration as well as to capture immediate feedback via an exit satisfaction survey.

This solution empowers your staff both before and behind the service center desk.

Major Components

Tech Bar is made up of three major components: Scheduler, Tech Bars, and Queue.


The Scheduler component defines the rules related to the availability of resources, times of availability, and more. This is what allows the actual scheduling of times and resources.

Tech Bar

Tech Bars are technical representations of what are often physical locations where people come to have issues investigated and resolved. The Tech Bar Solution leverages a scheduler and adds capabilities to support the physical Tech Bar locations such as a check-in screen, an overhead display screen, and a feedback mechanism. Additionally, a Tech Bar gathers metrics on a daily and monthly basis to provide a dashboard and trending data.


Queue is a fulfillment component that allows Tech Bar agents to see, document, and resolve issues.

All of these components are built on top of the Kinetic Platform to create one Tech Bar kapp.

First Steps

First, you will want to get a kinops space with the Tech Bar kapp installed on it. You can do that here. Then we recommend you use the rest of this getting started documentation to guide you through the basics of a Tech Bar.