Managing Event Types

How to Add or Edit an Event Type

  1. Access the Scheduler Configuration Screen.

  2. Click the ‘Event Types’ tab.


  1. To Add an Event Type:
    - Click ‘Add Event Type’ button.

To Edit an Event Type:
- Click the ellipses to the right of the event type.
- Choose ‘Edit’.

  1. Update the appropriate fields.

    • Event Type: The Event Type is the name and is displayed to end users.
    • Status: Select ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’. Inactive types are not presented to end users.
    • Duration: Use the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons to adjust the event duration. The duration will adjust according to multiples of the Scheduler’s time interval setting. You can also click in the field and enter a time manually, if not an exact multiple of the Scheduler’s time interval, it will adjust to the nearest multiple automatically.
  2. Click Save.

How to Remove an Event Type

  1. Access the Scheduler Configuration Screen.

  2. Click the ‘Event Types’ tab.


  1. Click the ellipses to the far right of the Event Type and select ‘Remove’.


  1. Verify and click ‘Remove’ in the confirm dialog box (or click ‘Cancel’ to abort the remove action’).