Space Scoped Webhook Events

Events within the Space (when a user logs in or is updated, when a team is created or modified...etc) can be associated with a workflow by creating the workflow using the naming convention outlined below, and by configuring a webhook to call the configured workflow.

ActionTree Source GroupTree Name
Users CreatedUsersCreated
Users UpdatedUsersUpdated
Users DeletedUsersDeleted
Team CreatedTeamsCreated
Team UpdatedTeamsUpdated
Team DeletedTeamsDeleted
Datastore Form CreatedDatastore Forms > [datastore-form-slug]Created
Datastore Form UpdatedDatastore Forms > [datastore-form-slug]Updated
Datastore Submission CreatedDatastore Submissions > [datastore-form-slug]Created
Datastore Submission SubmittedDatastore Submissions > [datastore-form-slug]Submitted
Form Created[kapp-slug] > [form-slug]Created
Form Updated[kapp-slug] > [form-slug]Updated
Submission CreatedSubmissions > [kapp-slug] > [form-slug]Created
Submission SubmittedSubmissions > [kapp-slug] > [form-slug]Submitted

A few important things to note:

  • Datastore Forms and Submissions have separate webhooks and tree groups from standard forms and submissions.
  • Form actions and Submission actions are separate and have separate actions and tree paths. Form actions are when that actual form is created, updated, etc. Submission actions are when instances of that form/the form's data are created, submitted, etc.