
Tenants within the Kinetic Platform


Spaces within the Kinetic Platform are a way of segregating users, configurations and data into separate tenants and are the framework used to provide multi-tenancy to the Kinetic Platform.

Navigating to a Space

Staring in v5.0 of the Kinetic Platform, all spaces are subdomains to where the application is hosted. For instance, if you're using our hosted platform, kinops, your space would be https://<my-space-slug> For premises customers, their platform may be hosted at, and so the space's URL would be https://<my-space-slug>

In earlier versions of the Kinetic Platform, you would navigate to a space appending the space slug to the end of the domain assigned to the Kinetic Platform (ie,<my-space-slug>)

Space Wide Settings

There are certain settings that are managed at the "Space Level" vs a "Kapp (Kinetic App) Level". The following configurations are global to the space:

  • Attributes for the Space, Teams, and Users
  • Space Settings
  • Bridges with Bridge Models and Mappings
  • Teams
  • Users
  • Space Security Definitions
  • Creation of Kapps
  • Webhooks for Space, Teams, and Users
  • Routines (workflows that can be used across the Space)


The items configured at the space scope (like bridges, users, and teams) are for use within all of the kapps within that space.