Understanding Queue for Tech Bar

Part of the Tech Bar system includes a queue system, called Queue. Queue is a ticketing system. When a user schedules an appointment or registers as a walk-in, an item will be entered into Queue automatically.

The Agent role is given to the individuals handling the appointment and walk-in tickets in Queue. Queue is to be used primarily as the appointment listing tool and requires just a few clicks to handle each appointment.


Within Queue, work is separated into teams. There is one team established for each Tech Bar, and agents can be attached to one or more Tech Bar teams. Tech Bar managers are able to adjust team membership as staff changes require.

The Queue will only show appointments (along with walk-ins) for the present day. At the end of the day, when the ticket list is “empty” all work is done for the day. The next day’s appointments are moved to Open status shortly after midnight and will be visible at the start of the workday.

List View

The List View shows the overall list of scheduled appointments for the current day, as well as walk ins. An Agent will see any Tech Bars they are an agent for in the sidebar. They can select the one they are currently working.


Any Agent is able to review all appointments for the day. Clicking on any item in the list view will switch to the Card view, showing additional information about the appointment.

Appointments are grouped by scheduled time (or when a walk-in registers).


For Tech Bars where walk ins are allowed, each walk in registration will be identified with a leading ** Walk In ** indicator. When a person with a scheduled appointment checks in for their appointment, the Queue List View will display the ** Checked In ** indicator.


The List View also indicates which appointments have Agent “ownership”, and therefore are already receiving assistance.


The List View shows up to 10 entries per page. Use the navigation at the bottom of the screen to navigate if necessary.


The List View does not refresh automatically. Click the refresh button to update the listing.


Clicking on a Queue item in List view will take you to the Detail view of that item.

Detail View

Detail view allows an agent to see the user's information, the appointment summary and details, and the current assignment/ownership of the appointment.


From this view an agent can also click "Grab it" to take ownership of the appointment, or, if they already own the appointment, "Work it" to work the appointment.

Work It

An agent can also reschedule an appointment by clicking "View Original Appointment" and then using the red Reschedule button to reschedule the appointment.


Working View

When an agent is actively working a ticket, they click "Work it" for the working view.


This view allows the agent to see the user's past appointments, see the entered information for this appointment, enter any information relevant for the appointment, and update the status on the appointment. Once a ticket is complete or cancelled in this view, it will (after the screen is refreshed) drop off the List View.