Pages and Other Form Content


Adding Content (Pages, Text, Sections, and Buttons) to your Form.


The goals for the article are:

  • Understand basic content
  • Expand knowledge of the builder

Form Content

In this article you learn how to add all of the elements except questions to your form. All of the Content options are listed at the top of the left hand column in the Form Builder.



There are two type of pages, submittable and confirmation.

Submittable is a type of page that contains questions that are submitted to the database. It includes a Submit button.

submittable page

Confirmation is a type of page that does not submit answers to the database. No rule against putting questions on the page - just no submitting. Your bundle can provide a default confirmation page with it's own functionality. See the default submission in kinops as an example.

confirmation page

Each Page requires a Name. The Submit button defaults to the label Submit, but you can change that as needed.

Two other options are common for both types of pages:

Display condition determines if the page should be displayed (default is true). The condition is evaluated as javascript, and the Variables drop-down provides common fields and aoptions for the form. See more on this later in the class.

Advance Condition is normally only used for a Submittable page and determines if the page should be submitted (that you should advance to the next page). Again, the condition is evaluated as javascript, and the Variables drop-down provides common fields and options for the form.


A section is meant as a container for other elements, including another section. Once you've added your section to your form, you can either drag existing elements into it or click the white arrow to select from the list of elements

section Content

Sections have anoption to add a Title. This is normally styled by your bundle.

Sections are often used to hide or show groups of elements. You can also apply styling to sections to make certain elements stand out.


Two options are available for text, HTML and Plain Text. Both require a Name and then have an option for entering the text itself.

Plain Text

plain text content

Use plain text when you don't need any formatting or other options for your text.


html text content

HTML allows you to use just about any HTML tags in the design and styling of your text.


Submit buttons are added by default. There are other types of buttons that can add functionality to your pages.

Submit. clicking Submit processes the page, as laong as any restrictions like validation are passed.

Previous Page. Takes you back the previously submited page. Display conditions are still evaluated, so you may not go back to the previous page in line in your Form.

Save for Later. Submits the current page even if all the requirments (required fields for example) are not met.

Custom. Used to trigger events such as name lookups.

In the Next Article

In the next article, we'll add basic questions to the Form.


Create your own form and add a page with a section and a couple of different text elements.

This activity continues in the next article.