UI/UX Overview
Beautiful Front Ends
Themes generally refer to the look and feel provided for the UI. This is, indeed, quite separate from the platform because the platform provides a only basic HTML structure for forms, but the styling of that structure is entirely up to the theme.
The theme files provide the styling for forms and console pages. The theme also provides functionality for console pages and other such pages that aren't forms in the solution.
The bundle contains the theme and is where common code that is shared across multiple forms, both css and javascript, would go; and where you would put any libraries you would want your form developers to be able to access, such as dataTables, DataViewer, and Notifie.
While there are many ways to accomplish this, Kinetic has decided to move forward with React bundles that contain css and JavaScript for the forms.
Bundles Are More Than Themes
Once completed a bundle will consist of directories and files. The files will be JavaScript, font, image, css, and possibility other file types. Bundles can provide anything from basic styling to advanced functionality using React components.
Updated about 2 years ago