Testing NFS Access and Setting Ownership to Kinetic UUID


Once your NFS has been set up, you must test access and set ownership to use the Kinetic Data Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).

NFS Server and IP Method

Follow these steps to perform the test and set ownership if you are using an NFS Server and IP address:

  1. Run the following command to start a busybox instance:
    $ kubectl run -it --privileged --image busybox -- busybox-sh
    $ kubectl run \
      -it \
      --privileged \
      --image busybox \
      --env="NFS_SERVER_IP=<NFS_SERVER_IP>" \
      -- busybox-sh
  2. From the busybox shell, run the following command:
    mkdir -p /mnt/nfs 
    mount -t nfs4 $NFS_SERVER_IP:$NFS_SERVER_PORT:/ /mnt/nfs
  3. Run the following command to set ownership to the Kinetic Data UUID:
    # chown -R 55101:55101 /mnt/nfs   
    # chmod g+s /mnt/nfs
  4. Run the following command to stop the busybox instance:
    $ kubectl delete pod busybox-sh

NFS Service with Access Point URL Method:

Follow these steps to perform the test and set ownership if you are using an NFS Service with an Access Point URL:

  1. Run the following command to start a busybox instance:
    $ kubectl run -it --privileged --image busybox -- busybox-sh
    $ kubectl run \
      -it \
      --privileged \
      --image busybox \
      -- busybox-sh
  2. From the busybox shell, run the following command:
    # mkdir -p /mnt/nfs && mount -t nfs4 $ACCESS_POINT_URL:/ /mnt/nfs
  3. Run the following command to set ownership to the Kinetic Data UUID:
    # chown -R 55101:55101 /mnt/nfs   
    # chmod g+s /mnt/nfs
  4. Run the following command to stop the busybox instance:
    $ kubectl delete pod busybox-sh