Managing Users


Sometimes, you might need to update or remove an existing user. You can manage user settings from the Space console or the User Settings of the Service Portal solution provided by Kinetic Data.

Viewing User Settings

To view a user in the Space console, click Users under the Configuration section of the navigation pane, then select a username from the list to open the Edit menu for that user.

The method for accessing users in your Service Portal solution will depend on your company's Platform configuration.

Using either method, you can update the following settings:

General Settings

General settings include whether the user is enabled, their display name, their email address and whether they are a Space admin. Space admin privileges give the user access to everything within the space and override any roles you give the person.

Profile Attributes

Profile attributes are settings the user can change from their profile attributes upon logging in. These include information such as first and last name or phone number.

User Profile Attributes

User Profile attributes are user-specific attributes that users cannot modify. These might include information such as the user's organization, department, site, and manager.

Teams and Roles

You can add a user to any number of defined teams or roles.

Deleting a User

An option to delete the selected user is listed at the bottom right of the page.

Note: Deleting a user does not reassign their tasks or cancel their requests.