Tenants in the Kinetic Platform
Spaces are the framework used to provide multi-tenancy to the Kinetic Platform. Spaces separate users, configurations, and data into distinct tenants.
Navigating to a Space
Spaces are subdomains of the application's host location. For instance, those using our hosted platform kinops would have a Space address of https://‹my-space-slug›
. For customer-managed environments, the platform might be hosted at
, and so the Space's URL would be https://‹my-space-slug›
Space-Wide Settings
Settings are either managed at the Space level or at the Kapp level. The following configurations are managed at the Space level:
- Space settings
- Teams
- Users
- Space, team, and user attributes
- Bridges with bridge models and mappings
- Space security definitions
- Creation of Kapps
- Space, team, and user webhooks
- Routines
Note: Space-wide settings can be used for all Kapps within a Space.
The Details tab provides basic details about the Space and information specific to the Display Type the Space uses.
The Display Types options were updated with version 6.0.5 of the Consoles. You can check your version of the Consoles by selecting Help > About Kinetic > Platform and viewing the Consoles row in the Component list.
If you are running Consoles 6.0.5 or higher, check your Space Settings Display Type option and ensure that one of the values listed below is selected. If an invalid option is selected (for example, Display Page), your custom bundle will not render correctly.
The tab contains the following information:
Space Name: This is the displayed name of the space.
Slug: This is the unique identifier of the space. You will see it in the URL when accessing the space.
Inactive Session Limit (in seconds) Number of seconds the session can be inactive before it ends.
Default Locale: Specifies the locale to use if a user has not selected a preferred locale.
Default Timezone: Specifies the timezone to use when a date or date/time field is displayed.
Display Type: Allows you to configure how your bundle is rendered.
- Custom: Renders the bundle from the web server where you host the files, such as on an AWS.
- Hosted: Renders the bundle from the /shared/shared-bundles/[SPACESLUG]/[BUNDLESLUG] of your NFS.
- Platform: Renders the "base" bundle instead of any custom bundle you have set up.
- Redirect: Redirects users from the bundle address to the address specified in the Redirect URL field (which is only displayed if Redirect is selected).
The Attributes tab assigns values to the space-level attributes configured in the Space Definitions.
Typically, attributes defined here are used in workflows and/or the bundle. These attributes are used across all Kapps. Some examples include the Web Server URL and the Admin Kapp Slug.
Along with the Space-level attributes, you can set fallback attributes for Kapps and forms used if attributes are not defined at those levels. These include the Approval Form Slug, the Submission Workflow, and the Form Workflow.
The OAuth tab is used to configure Single Sign On information for other systems that act as clients of the Space.
The Security tab lets you assign access permissions for the Space itself and access, create, and modify teams and users. These options include:
- Space Display
- Team Membership Modification
- User Access
- User Creation
- User Modification
- Team Access
- User Creation
- User Modification
The Trusted Resource Domains and Trusted Frame Domains lists are displayed underneath the settings. Here, you can set up other servers or URLs as trusted domains. This can help you investigate any cross-origin resource-sharing issues you encounter.
Important! Adding domains to these lists can introduce security risks. Use caution when changing these options.
The Workflow tab is used to configure workflows at the Space level. It's divided into four tabs.
The Engine tab lists the status of the workflow engine and provides options to stop or start it. You can also define the source name for the Kinetic Platform.
Categories allow you to label and group Handlers and Routines for easy reference within the Platform. You can create, edit, and delete categories from this tab.
Click on a category name to see the details for that category. These details include:
- Name: The category name.
- Description: A description of the category.
- Handlers: A list of handlers associated with the category. You can add a new handler by selecting one from the drop-down list.
- Routines: A list of routines associated with the category. You can add a new routine by selecting one from the drop-down list.
- Policy Rules: Indicates which users have access to the category and its contents. These options are set on the Policy Rules tab.
Policy Rules
The Policy Rules tab is where you set new policy rules for controlling user access to categories, consoles, and APIs. Users not meeting the assigned criteria cannot access the associated components.
Click on a policy rule name to see the details for that category. These details include:
- Type: Indicates whether the policy rule applies to categories, workflow console areas, or defined API sources.
- Name: The policy rule name.
- Rule: The logic and conditions used to test if the rule will apply.
- Message: The message to display when a user does not meet the policy rule requirements.
Each policy rule also has a section specific to the type of rule being configured where you can indicate which console (for consoles), which category (for categories), or which source (for APIs) the policy rule should apply to.
System Errors
The System Errors section lists workflow errors for review and potential resolution. Using the Show Filters option, you can filter the list to show only Active or Handled errors. To view more details about an error, click the error number in the Error ID column.
The error details page displays the error type, the date of occurrence, and the reason behind the error. You can mark errors as resolved by entering a resolution description in the Notes box and clicking Resolve.
Updated 9 months ago