Dataviewer Configuration Options
Configuring Dataviewer for your use case
Option Details
- resource: (nested JSON schema)
- name:(String) Name of Bridge Resource
- parameters: (Not used)
- data: (Array of 1 or more nested JSON schemas) When using DataTabes column options may be passed through to it. More info at
- name: (String) Name matches to data returned in the results
- title: (String)(Optional) Title is used for display purposes to identify the data to the user
- visible: (Boolean)(Optional) whether the item displays in the result or is hidden, defaults to true
- className: (String)(Optional) HTML class of the values DOM element
- setField:(String)(Optional) A field on the Form to receive the selected value upon click.
- defaultContent: (String) (Optional) A text or HTML string that will be the defaulted value in the displayed results. The value here will appear will all results sets. This can be used when the data to be displayed doesn't come from the search results.
- render: (Function ( data, type, record )) (Optional) Used to modify the value of the data before display. The results returned from this function will be displayed in the results.
- Parameters: data - (String) Contains the individual value for the "data"; type - Advanced use for DataTables Renderer only. (; record - (Object) Contains all of the result values.
- renderer: (nested JSON schema)
- type: (Function) A function to render the results of the search. "KDSearch.Renderers.DataTables" and "KDSearch.Renderers.UnorderedList" included with the library. A custom function may also be supplied instead.
- options: (Nested JSON schema) Values supplied here are specific to the Renderer and define the behavior of the Renderer.
- before: (Function)(Optional) A function to execute before the search is performed
- success: (Function)(Optional) A function to execute after the search is performed but before processing the data
- successEmpty: (Function)(Optional) A function to execute after the search is performed when no results are returned
- error: (Function)(Optional) A function to execute when an error is returned from the search
- complete: (Function)(Optional) A function to execute after the search is performed and after the results are processed. Executes after success and error.
- clickCallback: (Function) (Optional) A function to execute when the results are clicked. Returns element click (jQuery Obj), selected results (JSON)
- resultsContainerId: (String) Supply an arbitrary value which will be applied to the DataTable element id when it is created. This value is be applied to the id attribute of the DataTable. Example:
resultsContainerId: 'sampleTable'
will result in:<table id="sampleTable" >
- removeOnClick: (Boolean)(Optional defaulted "true") "true" or "false" value to indicate if the search results should removed from display after a result is clicked.
Note that options not directly used by dataViewer will be passed on, unmodified, to the renderer used. This is particularly useful when other libraries, such as dataTables, are being used for the renderer.
searchConfig.addressTable = {
resource: {
name: ""
'<table cellspacing="0", border="0", class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed dataTable">',
data: [
name: null,
orderable: false,
className: "select-checkbox",
defaultContent: "",
width: "30px"
title: "id",
name: "",
visible: false
title: "Location Name",
name: "address.siteLocationName",
orderable: true
title: "GEOLOC Code",
name: "geoloc.code",
visible: true
title: "Address",
name: "address.streetAddress",
visible: true
title: "City",
name: "",
visible: true
title: "State",
name: "address.state.abbreviation",
visible: true
title: "Zip Code",
name: "address.zipCode",
visible: true
title: "Country",
name: "address.state.countryId",
visible: true
resultsContainerId: "address-table",
before: function before(configObj) {},
success: function success(configObj) {},
error: function error(configObj) {},
complete: function complete(configObj) {},
removeOnClick: false,
renderer: {
type: DataViewer.Renderers.DataTables, // Passing a function here allows for better customization
options: {
// Options for Reneder
processSingleResult: true,
// DataTable OPTIONS; Passing options here make it clear that they are being passed to data tables
// responsive: OPTIONAL Default for "BridgeDataTable" is true but can be over written.
responsive: false,
dom: "ftip",
order: [[2, "asc"]],
paging: true,
pageLength: 20,
lengthChange: false,
deferRender: true,
scrollCollapse: true,
select: {},
createdRow: function createdRow(row, data, dataIndex) {},
initComplete: function initComplete() {}
This would be used with the renderResults function, because it has no bridge information and cannot be used with execute search (unless that is passed in dynamically). This would be done in this sort of fashion
//put existing, formatted info into the search config
searchConfig.addressTable.response = addrArray;
//render this information
DataViewer.renderResults(function() {
return $(K('content[Addr Table]').element());
}, searchConfig.addressTable);
searchConfig.personTable = {
resource: {
name: 'people by Organization Id'
resultsContainer: '<table cellspacing="0", border="0", class="table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed dataTable">',
data: [{
title: 'id',
name: 'id',
visible: false,
}, {
title: 'Title',
name: 'title'
}, {
title: 'Name',
name: 'fullName',
render: function render(data, type, row) {
if (type === "display") {
if (row['IsNew'] && row['IsNew'] !== 'true') {
return data + " <i style='color:purple;' class='fa fa-user' aria-hidden='true'></i>";
} else if (bundle.helpers.nonRefDataExcludeUsers.indexOf(row['userId']) < 0) {
return data + " " + bundle.helpers.createNonRefDataTooltip({
"dateCreated": moment(row['dateCreated']).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'),
"dataModified": moment(row['dataModified']).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS'),
"userFullName": row['userId'],
"userOrg": row['userOrg'],
"userRole": row['userRole']
} else {
return data;
} else {
return data;
}, {
title: 'Organization',
name: 'Org',
}, {
title: 'Action',
name: null,
render: function render(data, type, row) {
var buttons = "<div class='action-buttons'><button class='action-button action-button-view btn btn-xs'>View</button> <button class='action-button action-button-remove btn btn-xs'>Remove</button></div>";
return buttons;
resultsContainerId: 'person-table',
before: function(configObj) {
error: function(configObj) {},
complete: function(configObj) {
$(K('content[Person Table]').element()).find('.message').hide();
//repopulate Person Summary that holds the JSON data representing the table.
K('field[Person Summary]').value(JSON.stringify(;
K('field[Person Summary]').trigger('change');
// On View Button
configObj.tableObj.on('click', 'button.action-button-view', function() {
var row = $(this).parents('tr'),
data = configObj.tableObj.row(row).data();
// On Remove Button
configObj.tableObj.on('click', 'button.action-button-remove', function() {
var row = $(this).parents('tr'),
data = configObj.tableObj.row(row).data();
//repopulate Person Summary that holds the JSON data representing the table.
K('field[Person Summary]').value(JSON.stringify(;
K('field[Person Summary]').trigger('change');
removeOnClick: false,
renderer: {
type: DataViewer.Renderers.DataTables, // Passing a function here allows for better customization
options: {
// Options for Render
processSingleResult: false,
// DataTable OPTIONS; Passing options here make it clear that they are being passed to data tables
// responsive: OPTIONAL Default for "BridgeDataTable" is true but can be over written.
responsive: false,
dom: 'tip',
order: [
[3, 'asc']
paging: false,
scrollY: '60vh',
scrollCollapse: true,
select: {
style: 'single',
selector: 'td:first-child'
createdRow: function createdRow(row, data, dataIndex) {
trigger: 'hover',
container: 'body'
deferRender: true,
This example does have a bridge config and can be called this way:
DataViewer.executeSearch(function () {
return $(K('content[person Table]').element());
}, searchConfig.personTable);
or this way
searchConfig.personTable.response = pocArray;
DataViewer.renderResults(function () {
return $(K('content[person Table]').element());
}, searchConfig.personTable);
Updated over 3 years ago