How to Create a Review Page with Read-Only Fields
Reviewing a request in read-only is a built-in feature in Kinetic Request CE. This can be used by creating a URL like:
For ease of reading, without the http, that is:
In this url, you replace with the server, space-slug with your space slug, and with the full submission unique id. This url without the /review at the end will bring up the submission in read-write (on the current page it is on), but adding /review to the URL for the submission will display the request in review mode.
This is an example URL:
Approvals are one common use of review request. Approvals often display the request being approved in review.
In the approval example, an HTML element would be used and would contain a div for the review:
And then a load event would be set up to use a subform to load the review of the service request/item whose id, in this case, is stored in the Original Record field in the Hidden Questions section.
path: K('field[Originating Record]').value()+'/review',
container: '#reviewPane',
loaded: function(form) { },
created: function(data) { },
updated: function(data) { },
completed: function(data, action) { }
Another common use of review is allowing the customer to see a review of their request before final submission. In this case, the HTML element looks the same:
But the subform load event is just slightly different. Instead of pulling the necessary submission id out of a question, we want to use the current submission, which is available as K('submission').id()
path: K('submission').id()+'/review',
container: '#reviewPane',
loaded: function(form) { },
created: function(data) { },
updated: function(data) { },
completed: function(data, action) { }
Updated about 2 years ago