Task API Intro

Kinetic Task API v2

Kinetic Task is the workflow component of the Kinetic Platform. Kinetic Task is responsible for processing workflows (trees and routines) built within the Kinetic Platform. Each time a workflow executes, a run is created and can be referenced to track the state of a given workflow execution.


Starting in Platform v5, calls to this API are typically proxied through core using the https://space.kinetic-platform-location.com/app/components/task base route. During setup, calls can also be made directly to the Kinetic Task application by authenticating with the Configurator User using the https://my-web-server.com/kinetic-task base route.

Most of the API requests require user authentication. If an authenticated session has already been established, then the user identity held in the session will be used. Otherwise a Basic Authentication header can be included with the request, supplying the token associated to the username and password.

Kinetic Task currently only supports HTTP Basic authentication for REST API access.

HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Combine the username and password into a string separated by a colon (:)

  • Encode the string using Base64

  • Add the encoded string to your request using the Authorization header, prefixed with Basic

    Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Response Format

All responses will be returned using the JSON format.