Space Webhook Job Search

Returns a list of webhook jobs that are scoped to the Space. In other words, returns a list of webhook jobs that were triggered from a webhook defined on the Space, not on a Kapp.

Optional Parameters

The following optional parameters can be used individually, or in combination to alter/filter the results.

  • all - results will contain webhook jobs for all Webhooks defined on the Space and any Kapp within the Space.

  • status - filter the results to webhook jobs in either the queued or failed status.

  • webhook - filter the results to webhook jobs that match the webhook name.

  • parentType - filter the results to webhook jobs that were created from a webhook by the type of parent [Space, User]. This parameter must be used in combination with the parentKey parameter.

  • parentKey - filter the results to webhook jobs that were created from the specified parent record identified by this key value. This parameter must be used in combination with the parentType parameter.
